The Gift of Play – Discover Exclusive Winter Offers – Up to 50% Off*

Purling Art Chess exhibited at Christie’s London

Purling Art Chess exhibited at Christie’s London

Purling Art Chess exhibited at Christie’s London

Thank you to Christie’s London for hosting Purling London at the fabulous Christie’s Lates “Winter Bazaar” in December 2018! Together with other selected decorative arts makers, we exhibited our Art Chess set collaborations with Sophie Matisse, Daniel Brusatin, Lhouette, Caio Locke,  Andrew Hancock and Mr. Doodle.

This world-famous London auction house was founded in 1766 by James Christie and today continues to showcase the finest in many categories including fine and decorative art, photography, jewellery, fashion and wine.

Christie’s Lates’ offer guests an evening of art, music and specialist lectures in the beautiful setting of this renowned auction house in St. James, London.

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